International Symposium on Creative Computing

Theme: Creative Computing for Digital Culture


ISCC is a Special Track of QRS 2024 focusing on the realm of Creative Computing – specifically the intersection between digital creativity and the Culture Sector.

Today, the cultural sector continues to adapt to a networked and dataful world. Cultural organizations internationally are harnessing digital technology creatively to help them meet both their strategic ambitions and their audiences’ expectations. For museums, galleries, archives, libraries, arts centres, heritage sites, and performance venues, digital technologies are the means by which these organisations can operate with efficiency in the twenty-first century, as well as have relevancy to the lives of their audiences, visitors, users and communities.

At the intersection between digital technology and the culture sector, Creative Computing has a particularly important role to play. In particular, rapid advancements in Artificial Intelligence and Computing (including generative AI, and AI-Generated Content) are revealing at pace new ways to produce cultural objects, alternative approaches to understanding creativity, and different modes of cultural experience.

Responding to this moment, and to these challenges, we invite researchers with diverse backgrounds and disciplines, to actively participate in this Symposium. Our aim to foster collaboration, spark innovative and respond with creativity to this time of profound digital change with the Culture Sector.


A list of particular relevant areas includes, but is not limited to:

  • Working Creatively with Cultural Data
  • Building Accessible and Equitable Cultural and Creative Experiences
  • Creativity, Computing and Robotics in the Cultural Spaces
  • The Role of Creativity, Artificial Intelligence for Cultural Organisations
  • Computer Based Creativity Models
  • Mass Creativity in the Culture Sector
  • Computational Creativity and Human Creativity
  • Cognitive and Psychological Issues in Creativity in the Culture Sector
  • Software-Based Stimulation of Creativity in/with Cultural Organisations
  • Methods and Tools for Creative Processes for the Culture Sector
  • Learning Systems and Creativity for the Culture Sector


Authors are invited to submit original unpublished research papers as well as industrial practice papers. Simultaneous submissions to other conferences are not permitted. Detailed instructions for electronic paper submission, panel proposals, and review process can be found at QRS submission.

Each submission can have a maximum of ten pages. It should include a title, the name and affiliation of each author, a 300-word abstract, and up to 6 keywords. Shorter version papers (up to six pages) are also allowed.

All papers must conform to the QRS conference proceedings format (PDF | Word DOCX | Latex) and Submission Guideline set in advance by QRS 2024. At least one of the authors of each accepted paper is required to pay the full registration fee and present the paper at the workshop. Submissions must be in PDF format and uploaded to the conference submission site. Arrangements are being made to publish extended version of top-quality papers in selected SCI journals.


General Chair

Ross Parry's avatar
Ross Parry

University of Leicester, UK

Program Chairs

Tin-Kai Chen's avatar
Tin-Kai Chen

Tainan University of Technology, Taiwan

Fabricio Goes's avatar
Fabricio Goes

Leicester University, UK

Chen Li's avatar
Chen Li

Aalborg University, Danmark

Program Committee

Name Affiliation Geographic Region
Marwan Al-Akaidi Wigwe University Nigeria
Feng Chen De Montfort University UK
Andry Chowanda BINUS University Indonesia
William C. Chu Tunghai University Taiwan
Fei Dai Southwest Forestry University China
Zhuangzhuang Dai Aston University UK
Qing Duan Yunnan University China
Henrique Cota de Freitas PUC Minas Brazil
Ioanna Giorgi University of Kent UK
Marek Grzes University of Kent UK
Tzung-Cheng Huan National Chiayi University Taiwan
Andrew Hugill Leicester University UK
Jie Jian Hunan Normal University China
Delin Jing Changzhou University China
Elizabeth Jochum Aalborg University Denmark
Kenji Kamiya Tainan University of Technology Taiwan
Lim Chai Kim Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) Malaysia
Sun-hwa Kim Tainan University of Technology Taiwan
Hua Li Inner Mongolia University China
Chi-Hsiung Liang Lunghwa University of Science and Technology Taiwan
Hongwei Liu Tianjin Foreign Studies University China
Lin Liu Tsinghua University China
Qinyun Liu Beijing Union University China
Xiaodong Liu Napier University UK
Chen-Shih Lu Tainan University of Technology Taiwan
Chin-Jung Lu Tainan University of Technology Taiwan
Helin Luo National Tainan University of the Arts Taiwan
Jianhua Ma Hosei University Japan
Sicong Ma Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences China
Tao Ma Tianjin Foreign Studies University China
Leandro Soriano Marcolino University of Leicester UK
Talles Medeiros Federal University of Ouro Preto Brazil
Richard Millham Durban Uni-versity of Technology South Africa
Tome Otsuru Tainan University of Technology Taiwan
Yingchun Tian Changzhou University China
Yuma Tomiyasu Joshibi University of Art and Design Japan
Fengjian Wang National Chiao Tung University Taiwan
Ming-Feng Wang National Pingtung University of Science and Technology Taiwan
Baowen Xu Nanjing University China
Hsi-Hsun Yang National Yunlin University of Science and Technology Taiwan
Aloysius Yapp Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) Malaysia
Lu Zhang Beijing Union University China
Qianni Zhang Queen Mary University UK
Xiaochun Zhang Anhui University of Finance and Economics China
Xu Zhang Falmouth University UK
Junfeng Zhao Inner Mongolia University China
Zedong Zheng Leicester University UK
Jiantao Zhou Inner Mongolia University China
Shikun Zhou Portsmouth University UK
Hong Zhu Oxford Brookes University UK
Lin Zou De Montfort University UK

Sponsored by

IEEE Reliability Society

Track patrons

Jilin Jianzhu University
Beijing Union University
Beijing Technology and Business University
Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology
Tunghai University
University of Leicester


  • STCC 2023 - Chiang Mai (in conjunction with QRS 2023)
  • STCC 2022 - Guangzhou (in conjunction with QRS 2022)
  • ICCLC 2021 - Hainan Island, China (in conjunction with QRS 2021)
  • ICCLC 2020 - Macau, China (in conjunction with QRS 2020)
  • ICCLC 2019 - Sofia, Bulgaria (in conjunction with QRS 2019)