International Workshop on Security Management Design for Reliable Third-Party Payment (SDTPP 2024)


Current electronic payment methods have evolved from traditional online card transactions to multiple payment models, including many different types of membership systems that provide transaction point services as consumer feedback. The essence of transaction points also considers the relationship of financial cash flow. The model, including after-pay, has been derived in recent years. How to construct a secure member information exchange method for the security of the transaction mechanism has become a critical research topic.

Many cases of leaked personal information in electronic payment transactions worldwide raise concerns about information security. Currently, regulations and laws require information technology service providers to develop a response strategy to secure personal information protection. However, the traditional packet management mechanism by information security servers can no longer meet the current needs of individual data maintenance. In particular, it can be observed that most of the personal data leakage problems are mainly due to the gap in the industry's understanding of information security, which further leads to the outsourcing of system design, cloud database design, etc., and the relative security issues have led to database information system leakage problem.

Therefore, this workshop will invite relevant scholars to discuss the middleware design with personal data security, cross-platform mobile phone authentication security, cash flow transaction security, and information security. It will also focus on the technical and regulatory difficulties different countries face in response to multiple payment models. To jointly discuss how to build a reliable and secure transaction mechanism, especially for the three-party payment model, in response to the exchange of information on cash flows across industries, how to ensure accurate information transaction status without involving the exchange of personal data will be a significant and critical technical dilemma that needs to be urgently overcome.


A list of particular relevant areas includes, but is not limited to:

  • Third-party payment development
  • Hybrid, Multi-Transaction Service Security Model
  • Third-party payment information security design
  • Multi-member platform security management
  • Data hiding techniques.
  • Blockchain personal data protection design
  • Database profile camouflage security design
  • Stable, Reliable, and Secure Event Hosting Recorder Design
  • Database signature planning and design
  • Network packet delivery security management design for mobile devices
  • Packet security management mechanism based on AI intelligent monitoring

SCI Special Issue

Authors of top-quality papers will be invited to submit their extended versions to a special issue of Applied Science.


Authors are invited to submit original unpublished research papers as well as industrial practice papers. Simultaneous submissions to other conferences are not permitted. Detailed instructions for electronic paper submission, panel proposals, and review process can be found at QRS submission.

Each submission can have a maximum of ten pages. It should include a title, the name and affiliation of each author, a 300-word abstract, and up to 6 keywords. Shorter version papers (up to six pages) are also allowed.

All papers must conform to the QRS conference proceedings format (PDF | Word DOCX | Latex) and Submission Guideline set in advance by QRS 2024. At least one of the authors of each accepted paper is required to pay the full registration fee and present the paper at the workshop. Submissions must be in PDF format and uploaded to the conference submission site. Arrangements are being made to publish extended version of top-quality papers in selected SCI journals.


Program Chairs

Tse-Chuan Hsu's avatar
Tse-Chuan Hsu

SooChow University, Taiwan

Chien-Chang Chen's avatar
Chien-Chang Chen

Tamkang University, Taiwan

Program Committee

Name Affiliation
Che-Lun Hung National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Chorng-Shiuh Koong National Taichung University
Dong-Meau Chang Lingnan Normal University
Hsiang Chen Takming University
Liang-Chih Yang National Taipei University
Yao-Hong Tsai Hsuan Chuang University
Yu-Wei Chan Providence University
Chih-Hung Chang Providence University
Rei-Heng Cheng Xiamen Ocean Vocational College